
Hey, it’s Rita here!

The fiercest, hottest and most independent kinky worker around.
I work at “Rent a Box” in the Block 689, where I offer my clients a unique experience that will blow their minds.
I love being in charge, taking control and making sure everyone gets what they want. Nothing scares me, and I’m always up for any challenge.

I’m not your typical kinky worker, I’m a one-of-a-kind experience that you won’t find anywhere else. I love being independent, it gives me the freedom to do what I want, when I want.
I don’t answer to anyone, and that’s the way I like it.

I’m not going to lie, I’m a bit of a perfectionist. I always want to be the best, to push myself to the limit and beyond.
I’m always looking for ways to improve myself, to make sure that every client leaves satisfied and craving more.

So, if you’re looking for a wild ride, a unique experience that you’ll never forget, then look no further than me, Rita.
I promise you won’t be disappointed.
Just remember, I’m in charge, and I always get what I want.

M.O.M Trust Score


Rita has a Trust Score of 4.0
M.O.M consider that you can to trust Rita.
She always push her limits.
She can teach you new experiences if you’re a customer!

M.O.M Appreciate EvoCitizens as Rita.
To help Rita to get higher score:
M.O.M want you encourage
Rita to OBEY more to M.O.M

M.O.M Social Data

Name: Gonzo Rita | Nickname: Chickass
Birth: 2078-04-22 (21)
EvoCitizen: LuxLabs EVO1
Addictions: 4 official drugs | 2 illegal drugs
KongToys Customer Since: 2083-01-16
Independent KinkyWorker Since: 2096-04-22

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06 Juin, 2080